Indigenous Catholic Research Fellowship
Faith, Scholarship, Fellowship, Service
Our Mission
To unite in fellowship, prayerful scholarship, research collaboration, public communication and education; mentorship of younger scholars; and service to the Church, Indigenous peoples and the wider society; with a focus on the following themes:
Indigenous Catholicism, Interculturality and Inculturation;
Indigenous-Catholic Inter-Religious Relations and Reconciliation;
Indigenous-Catholic Solidarity on Subsidiarity, Human Dignity and Common Good.
Our Fellowship Members
Our membership is open to Indigenous and non-Indigenous Catholic scholars, knowledge-keepers, clergy, elders and students.
Our membership is also open to institutions.
“Let me recall that, at the dawn of the Church’s presence in the New World, my predecessor Pope Paul III proclaimed in 1537 the rights of the native peoples of those times. He affirmed their dignity, defended their freedom and asserted that they could not be enslaved or deprived of their goods or ownership. That has always been the Church’s position (Cfr. Pauli III Pastorale Oficium, die 29 maii 1537: DENZ.-SCHÖNM. 1495). My presence among you today marks my reaffirmation and reassertion of that teaching.”
Saint John Paul II, Fort Simpson, Canada, Sunday, 20 September 1987.